Germany aims for 15 million electric cars by 2030 amid industry concerns

Germany aims for 15 million electric cars by 2030 amid industry concerns

At a recent summit held at the Federal Chancellery, both the German government and the automotive industry stood firm on their shared ambition: having 15 million electric cars on German roads by 2030.

However, a report from Handelsblatt shed light on the challenges voiced primarily by automakers. They expressed concerns about the daunting task of actually selling such a massive number of electric vehicles.

Competition from China and the ongoing struggle with cost competitiveness were flagged as major hurdles. On the flip side, the government stressed the urgent need to slash purchase prices to entice more people to embrace electric mobility.

Despite this shared goal, uncertainties loom large, especially surrounding incentives for buying electric cars – whether through subsidies or tax benefits – and the expansion of charging infrastructure. The recent Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Climate Fund has cast a shadow over the future of environmental bonuses.

An industry insider, as reported by Handelsblatt, emphasized the industry’s anticipation of clear signals from the government regarding ongoing support. However, specific details on the progress of these discussions were not disclosed. Apparently, the government chose not to disclose the specifics of their negotiations about the future of environmental incentives.

Regarding the expansion of charging infrastructure, the federal government expects a collaborative effort from electric car manufacturers. Federal Minister of Transport Volker Wissing stressed the importance of an engaged automotive industry not only in delivering electric vehicles but also in actively contributing to the proactive growth of the charging network.

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William Wylie
William Wylie, a tech writer with a penchant for future tech, shares his perspective on the ever-evolving world of tech, offering a glimpse into the next big breakthroughs.