Net Operators Strategize Copper Shutdown by 2032 Amid Industry Challenges and Debates

Net Operators Strategize Copper Shutdown by 2032 Amid Industry Challenges and Debates

“Net operators are getting serious about the copper shutdown,” announced Ralph Steffens, Co-Chief Executive Officer of DNS:NET, at the Breko Annual Congress in Berlin on November 30, 2023.

Steffens emphasized the importance of setting a firm deadline for the copper shutdown, suggesting that aiming for 2032 seemed realistic. However, he acknowledged the enormity of the task, labeling it a “massive undertaking,” as reported by

There’s buzz within the Federal Network Agency’s Gigabit Forum about identifying localized pilot projects for the copper shutdown in Germany. Klaus Müller, President of the Federal Network Agency, hinted at these discussions, noting the shared belief among operators that transitioning from copper to fiber could be expedited.

In the industry, companies like Telefónica and 1&1, lacking their own fixed networks, are raising concerns about the copper shutdown. They’re seeking regulatory assurance for equal access rights to Fiber to the Home (FTTH) networks, much like what existed for the old copper networks.

Anga, an industry association, is urging Telekom to ensure customer migration not just onto its networks but onto competitor networks as well. Andrea Huber, Anga’s Managing Director, stressed the need to establish the right framework for such transitions, suggesting amendments to the Telecommunications Act.

Huber highlighted that the current regulatory framework doesn’t incentivize Telekom to migrate to third-party networks, emphasizing that this migration phase could significantly reshape the market dynamics, either consolidating Telekom’s dominance or fostering a more competitive landscape through Open Access agreements.

Within the industry, BREKO, representing 250 net operators, stands in active support of the copper shutdown. Wolfgang Heer, Managing Director of Buglas, expressed commitment to this cause, stating their involvement in the Federal Network Agency’s Gigabit Forum committees dedicated to this transition.

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Carl Woodrow
A seasoned tech enthusiast and writer, Carl delves deep into emerging technologies, offering insightful analysis and reviews on the latest gadgets and trends.